Teltonika RUTOS 7.02 update

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RutOS is the five-letter magic behind our devices that makes them as excellent as they are. However, just like any other software, RutOS needs to be constantly updated to ensure it continues to offer unbeatable security and top-level performance. With every firmware update, we also add new features to empower our users achieve more by using the same connectivity product.

So, here is a short recap on the most exciting new stuff you will find in the RutOS version 7.02. We have also included a link to a full changelog, should you like to know all the details behind the latest update of our software.

Have you ever heard that Teltonika Networks products work like a charm? A substantial part of the magic behind our routers, modems and gateways fits into a five-letter spell – RutOS. And for those already familiar with the potential and capabilities of our software, we got some great news! We have updated RutOS to version 7.02. Let’s look at what our R&D people pulled out of their hats this time!


RutOS 7.02 Update is Now Live

If you somewhat follow the news, you might have noticed that the times have been wild in the cyber world. The cybercrime rates are again at an all-time high and have kept rising every year since 2018. While the growing IoT ecosystems attract more interest from cybercriminals, their security becomes the top priority for IoT developers. And naturally, connectivity equipment could make or break the whole solution as it can and probably will get targeted by malicious parties.

As none other of the networking equipment’s benefits matter if security is compromised, we are highly invested in maintaining our devices protected from outside threats. For this purpose, we periodically hire third-party experts to perform network security and vulnerability tests. As a result, we have patched multiple of the most recent CVEs and updated some of the services to enhance their security. We have also updated numerous packages to their latest versions. You may find a complete list of fixes and updates in the changelog.


We have also updated the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Many of our clients use this protocol for remote monitoring of their solutions, and we have just extended its’ capabilities with the newest upgrade. We have added multiple mobile section parameters, including upload/download data counters and a mobile IP address. Updating to version 5.9.1 also means you will enjoy the safest version of this protocol.

RutOS 7.02 Update is Now Live


So, this was a request we heard from our clients quite a bit. Although sometimes good things take time, we have recently announced that our RUTX** series devices had become a part of the AWS Partner Device Catalog. This means that all products in this series have successfully passed the necessary testing, and they now officially support AWS IoT Greengrass. Actually, we have just dedicated a whole blog article to celebrate this momentous occasion, and you can read all about it here.


Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Version 3 (L2TPv3) allows point-to-point tunneling of layer two frames across an IP network. The main advantage of L2TPv3 over other L2VPN technologies is that it only requires basic IP connectivity between the routers. No additional protocols or MPLS encapsulation is needed. L2TPv3 VPN is not something new on our routers, and we have been proudly offering it to our clients free of charge for a while now. However, the good news is that it can now read longer IP addresses due to the IPv6 support. This latest IP communication protocol allows identifying smart devices on networks and routing traffic attributed to 128-bit addresses.

Besides, the IPv6 standard provides other benefits compared to an almost exhausted IPv4. For example, it allows hierarchical address allocation for route aggregation purposes and reduces the expansion of routing tables. With IPv6, the addressing is simplified and optimized for the delivery of services.


RutOS 7.02 Update is Now Live

Businesses dealing with vehicle tracking solutions are well aware of Teltonika Telematics trackers. Last year Telematics expanded its range by introducing a new product that allows overseeing even more parameters. Besides tracking the geographic location, the EYE sensor can record temperature, humidity, acceleration, and magnetic field strength changes.

‘But what does it have to do with Teltonika Networks?’ – you may ask. The great news is that with the latest RutOS update, the EYE sensors may wirelessly connect straight to our networking devices for easy tracking and reporting. Enjoy a seamless monitoring experience by combining the best of two Teltonikas!


Once again, based on multiple requests from our clients, we decided to add TACACS+ support to RutOS with the latest update. This easily adaptable security protocol is an excellent alternative to RADIUS (which we have been offering for a while now). Designed with the growing needs of the increasing network security market in mind, it will scale together with your growing network. Tripple A structure best describes the architecture of this protocol: authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). TACACS+ will cover your secure Hotspot setups, safe web login, and management of users connecting to the router via a remote server.


RutOS 7.02 Update is Now Live

Did you know that if you Google ‘python,’ not a single result on the first page would be of an actual snake? That just shows how popular and relevant this programming language is. That being said, we are excited to announce that you may now find an optimized version of Python for download in our Package Manager. It takes very little storage space, so virtually any Teltonika Networks routers will support it.

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